Quick Tips for Growing Roses

Whether you are in western Washington or on the east side of The Evergreen State, roses are timeless favorites that add elegance to any yard! The fragrant, hardy rose is especially perfect for beginner gardeners. Here are several tips to get you started on creating a gorgeous rose garden!

Growing Conditions

Spring and early summer are the perfect times to plant roses. If you are a new gardener, buy a small rose bush that has already begun growing. Growing conditions are similar for all roses but still depend on the variety. Hybrid Tea Roses are the most popular, with their flawless, notable form. Climbing roses offer elegant floral coverage but must remain in close proximity to a trellis or pergola. Regardless of the type of rose, consider its environment. Ensure it has access to full sun, healthy soil, and plenty of space to grow! When in doubt, ask your local experts!

Feed and Fertilize

Though roses are quite hardy, they require some care and attention. This is especially true due to their susceptibility to black spots and aphids. As we mentioned, the most important thing you can do for your rose bush is to plant it in good soil with full sun and ensure consistent watering (a couple of times a week or when the top two inches of soil is dry).

Use an organic fertilizer around the base of the bush as it grows, and watch for pests. If aphids start munching on the flowers, use a nitrogen-rich soil supplement or fertilizer. If your roses take a turn for the worst and develop black spots, consider using a systemic pesticide once or twice a year.


Perhaps both the most important and most intimidating part of having a garden is pruning. Removing dead or spent blooms and stems can feel destructive to your plant's health, even though it is vital! Simply keep these two rules in mind: only cut off spent blooms in early spring or late summer and hold off any drastic pruning of branches until fall. Even then, only remove dead or diseased canes.

While we stress the value of expanding your garden knowledge, there is truly no better teacher than experience! So support your local nursery, and start your own garden today!

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